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Local Installation


To run UKP-SQuARE locally, you need the following software:


Next change the environment to local and os to your operating system in the config.yaml.
Next change the environment to local and os to your operating system in the config.yaml.
Now, modify your /etc/hosts to contain:   square.ukp-lab.localhost

For installation we provide a script that takes care of the entire setup for you. After installing the previous requirements, simply run:



Finally, you can run the full system with docker-compose. Before doing so, you might want to reduce the number of models running depending on your resources. To do so, remove the respective services from the docker-compose.

docker-compose up -d

Check with docker-compose logs -f if all systems have started successfully. Once they are up and running go to square.ukp-lab.localhost. 👉 Accept that the browser cannot verify the certificate.