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Management and Inference APIs that support SOTA (QA) models & adapters. Receives input and returns prediction and other artifacts (e.g. attention scores)

Project structure

The Model API uses 2 components: n inference servers (each with their own model), and a Traefik server that serves as API gateway to forward requests to the correct inference server and to handle authorization of requests.

├───inference_server            # FastAPI Model API Server
│ ├───tests # Unit Tests
│ │ ├───test_api
│ │ ├───test_inference
│ ├─── # Entry point in server
│ ├───Dockerfile # Dockerfile for server
│ └───square_model_inference # Server Logic
│ ├───api # API Routes
│ │ ├───routes
│ ├───core # Server config, Startup logic, etc.
│ ├───models # Input/ output modelling for API
│ └───inference # Deep Model implementation and inference code for NLP tasks
├───management_server # FastAPI server for adding new models or listing all models
│ ├─── # Entry point in server
│ ├─── # Manages docker acces of server
│ ├───Dockerfile # Dockerfile for server
│ └───app
│ ├───core # app config
│ ├───models # input and output request models
│ └───routers # api routes
│ └───traefik.yaml # the midleware of the traefik server (including the Authetification)
├───locust # Load testing configuration with Locust
└───docker-compose.yml # Example docker-compose setup for the Model API

API Path

The 'true' path of the API for the model server is of the form /api/$endpoint where the endpoint is embeddings, question-answering, etc. This is the path you use if you just run a model server locally.

However, to run and distinguish multiple models, we use an API gateway with Traefik so we extend the path to /api/$model-prefix/$endpoint which is then resolved by Traefik to the correct model server and forwarded to this server's /api/$endpoint endpoint. This is the path you use with Docker. This requires you to setup the docker-compose and Traefik config as described below.


Python 3.7+, Docker (optional), Make (optional)


Install the required packages in your local environment (ideally virtualenv, conda, etc.).

pip install -r inference_server/requirements1.txt
pip uninstall -y -r inference_server/uninstall_requirements.txt
pip install -r inference_server/requirements2.txt


make install

Why two requirement.txt and why the uninstall?
sentence-transformers depends on transformers and it will be installed along with it. However, we use adapter-transformers (a fork of transformers) in this project. Both transformers and adapter-transformers use the same namespace so they conflict. Thus, we first install sentence-transformers along with transformers, uninstall transformers, and finally install adapter-transformers.



  1. For each model server that should run, create a .env.$model to configure it.
    An example configuration for the BERT model can be seen below:
    # Corresponds to the Huggingface name for finetuned Transformers or the name of a finetuned SentenceTransformers
    # Type of the model, e.g. Transformers, Adapter, ...
    # See square_model_inference.core.event_handlers.MODEL_MAPPING for all available names with corresponding model

    # Disable CUDA even if available
    # Batch size used for many inputs
    # Inputs larger than this size are rejected

    # Cache directory where model weights are stored
    # This is the name for the env variable used by transformers and sentence-transformers package

    # Flag that decides if returned numpy arrays are returned
    # as lists or encoded to base64 (smaller but not easily human readable).
    # See the comment in square_model_inference.models.prediction._encode_numpy on information on how to decode
    # the base64 string back to the numpy array

  2. Configure docker-compose.yaml by adding services for the Traefik reverse proxy, and the model servers (each with their .env file). To test whether the api is running you can execute:

or if you are running SQuARE in your local machine:

curl --insecure https://localhost:8443/api/facebook-dpr-question_encoder-single-nq-base/health/heartbeat


Create inference_server/.env and configure it as needed for your local model server.


Running Localhost

make run

This only starts one inference server using inference_server/.env. No Traefik.
For debugging, inference_server/ can also be used as entry.

Running Via Docker

make deploy

Running Tests

For unit tests:

make test

Adding new Models using API

New models can be added without manually adapting the docker-compose file by a POST request toapi/models/deploy. By passing all environment information that would normally be in the .env file and the identifier which will be part of the path prefix in the following form:

"identifier": <model_prefix>,
"model_name": <model_name>,
"model_path": <model_path>,
"decoder_path": <decoder_path>,
"model_type": <model_type>,
"disable_gpu": true,
"batch_size": 32,
"max_input": 1024,
"transformer_cache": "../.cache",
"model_class": <model_class>,
"return_plaintext_arrays": false

The server will automatically create the model-api instance and add it to the docker network. It might take some time until the model is available, since it needs to download and initialize the necessary models and adapters first. To check whether the model is ready, you can retrieve all available models and check whether the added models are in the list with the following command:


or if you are running SQuARE in your local machine:

curl --insecure https://localhost:8443/api/models/deployed-models`

Example deployment request

Deploy distilbert from sentence-transformers.

curl --request POST '' \
--header 'accept: application/json' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"identifier": "distilbert",
"model_name": "msmarco-distilbert-base-tas-b",
"model_type": "sentence-transformer",
"disable_gpu": true,
"batch_size": 32,
"max_input": 1024,
"transformer_cache": "\/etc\/huggingface\/.cache\/",
"model_class": "base",
"return_plaintext_arrays": false

Here, identifier is the name you want to give to the model in SQuARE. model_name is the name of the model in Transformer's ModelHub, and model_type can take the values sentence-transformer, adapter, transformer, and onnx.

Another example for BART

curl --request POST '' \
--header 'accept: application/json' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"identifier": "bart-base",
"model_name": "facebook/bart-base",
"model_type": "transformer",
"disable_gpu": true,
"batch_size": 32,
"max_input": 1024,
"transformer_cache": "\/etc\/huggingface\/.cache\/",
"model_class": "base",
"return_plaintext_arrays": false

Example prediction request

Get prediction from the deployed model.

curl --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"input": [
"Do aliens exist?"
"is_preprocessed": false,
"preprocessing_kwargs": {},
"model_kwargs": {},
"task_kwargs": {},
"adapter_name": ""

Adding new Models Manually

With Traefik we can add new models to the model API easily for each new model append the following to the docker-compose file:

image: ukpsquare/square-model-api-v1:latest
- ./inference_server/.env.<model>
- ./.cache/:/etc/huggingface/.cache/
- "traefik.enable=true"
- "traefik.http.routers.<model>.rule=PathPrefix(`/api/<model-prefix>`)"
- "traefik.http.routers.<model>.entrypoints=websecure"
- "traefik.http.routers.<model>.tls=true"
- "traefik.http.routers.<model>.tls.certresolver=le"
- "traefik.http.routers.<model>.middlewares=<model>-stripprefix,<model>-addprefix"
- "traefik.http.middlewares.<model>-stripprefix.stripprefix.prefixes=/api/<model-prefix>"
- "traefik.http.middlewares.<model>-addprefix.addPrefix.prefix=/api"

And save the model configurations in the .env.<model> file. The model-prefix is the prefix under which the corresponding instance of the model-api is reachable.

Adding Onnx models

Onnx models require a path to the file containing the onnx models. On the VM there are the following files already uploaded:

│ ├───decoder.onnx
│ └───model.onnx
│ └───model.onnx
│ └───model.onnx

This is already configured as a volume in the docker-compose file. You have to add the following to your model container:

- onnx-models:/onnx_models

Then the model path in the .env file has the onnx_modelsfolder as root. For example, loading the BERT model requires the following path MODEL_PATH=/onnx_models/bert-base-cased/model.onnx.

In order to be able to start onnx models manually, make sure that the ONNX_VOLUME environment variable contains the name of the docker volume with the onnx files. Then, simply specify the model_path and optionally the decoder_path to load a new onnx model.

Removing models via API

Removing the deployed distilbert model.

curl --request POST ''

Update model parameters

You can update the batch size, gpu option, input size and the type of returned arrays via our update API. An example request to change the return_plaintext_arrays param to true for the dpr model is shown below:

curl --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"disable_gpu": true,
"batch_size": 32,
"max_input": 1024,
"return_plaintext_arrays": true

Note that changing the disable_gpu parameter is only possible for transformer and adapter models. For Onnx models and sentence-transformers models, changing this parameter is not supported.